Thank you everyone in Muleshoe who helped make 1st grade’s Community Helpers week a success!
Freshmen meal tonight from 5:00-6:30 at the High School Commons. You can buy tickets at the door. $8.00 Hamburger meal. Come support the freshmen class.
Next week Dillman will be celebrating Red Ribbon Week. Students will be participating in various instructional activities within their classrooms that focus on the importance of being drug free. Along with those activities, students will also have the opportunity to dress up each day. Costumes that are scary and/or gory will not be permitted. Thank you for your support and cooperation!
La próxima semana Dillman celebrará la Semana del Listón Rojo/ Semana Contra las Drogas. Los estudiantes participarán en varias actividades instructivas en su clase que se enfocarán en la importancia de estar libres de drogas. Junto con esas actividades, los estudiantes también tendrán la oportunidad de vestirse con trajes correspondientes todos los días. No se permitirán disfraces que den miedo y /o sean sangrientos. ¡Gracias por su apoyo y cooperación!
Lions Club donates glasses to students!
We invite you to participate with us at DeShazo for our Red Ribbon Week dress up days next Monday, October 26th through Friday, October 30th.
Monday - "Red'y" to be Drug Free! Wear red to show support.
Tuesday - Crazy about being drug free! Wear crazy hair and socks.
Wednesday - Won't be "tied" down to drugs. Wear tie-dyed clothing.
Thursday - Team up against drugs! Wear Mule team gear.
Friday - Don't let anyone trick you into doing drugs, treat your body right! Wear your Halloween costume. No scary/gory costumes and you may not bring play weapons to school.
If you have any questions, please contact the DeShazo office at 806-272-7364. Thank you!
Final for the Watson JH 8 Mules’ game is a 30-0 win over a River Road
Watson JH 8 Mules up 24-0 at the half over River Road
Watson JH 7 Mules win 22-0 at home over River Road.
Watson JH 7 Mules up 16-0 after 3 over River Road
Watson JH 7 Mules up 8-0 after one against River Road.
Math review fun with Kahoot!
Keeping the beat in music
Early morning practice.
Mrs. Sealy, our counselor, working with students this morning and teaching about the meaning of Red Ribbon Week and BuIly Prevention Month!
Dillman Explores worked hard to create different circuits with our Snap Circuit kits.
MHS District Cross Country Champions!
Deshazo 5th graders wanted to say congratulations to MHS Girls’ Cross Country for being district champions!!!! Awesome job everyone!!!! We’re proud of you!
JV Girls Cross Country District Champions!
JV Cross Country
Cross Country