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Guadalupe Flores
MHS Custodian
Keri Frost
Special Education
Watson Jr. High
Leslie Gamboa
Dillman Educational Assistant
Dillman Elementary
Victoria Garza
Dillman Educational Assistant
Dillman Elementary
Sarah Gilchrest
Dillman Elementary
Rose Gloria
DeShazo RLA Bilingual Teacher
DeShazo Elementary
Alejandra Gonzalez
MHS Spanish Teacher
Muleshoe High School
Gabriela Gonzalez
DeShazo Educational Assistant
DeShazo Elementary
Sandra Graves
Muleshoe High School
John Gulley
One Act Play/ UIL
Muleshoe High School
Holley Hardwick
Kindergarten Teacher
Dillman Elementary
Karri Hatley
3th Grade Math/Science Teacher
DeShazo Elementary
Roberta Herrell
2nd Grade Teacher
Dillman Elementary
Maria Herrera
DeShazo Educational Assistant
DeShazo Elementary
Libby Herrera
MHS Educational Assistant
Muleshoe High School
Greg Hill
Director Of Operations & Instruction
Susan Hinojosa
Technology Coordinator
Bryce Hollingsworth
Special Services Director
Dillman Elementary
Hollye Hooten
WJHS Student Services Coordinator
Watson Jr. High
John Howell
7th Grade Social Studies Teacher
Watson Jr. High